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Agustina S. Paglayan
Politics, Policy, and Educational Inequality in the U.S. | undergraduate | syllabus
Education Policy Around the World | masters | syllabus
Politics and Institutions in Latin America | masters | syllabus
Historical Political Economy | doctoral | syllabus
Stanford University
Applied Quantitative Research in Political Science (TA | undergraduate honors)
Political Institutions (TA | undergraduate honors)
Political Behavior (TA | undergraduate honors)
Math Camp (Instructor | incoming doctoral students)
Introduction to Data Analysis and Interpretation (TA | graduate)
Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy
Public Finance (TA | graduate)
Universidad de San Andres, Department of Economics
World Economic History (TA | undergraduate)
Argentine Economic History (TA | undergraduate)
Assistant Professor
University of California, San Diego
Department of Political Science &
School of Global Policy and Strategy
twitter: @aspaglayan

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